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Small Pulley 5036010250


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Polish rotary mowers are widely used in Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and many other European countries, and many giant brands are now manufacturing this kind of machineries, such as Wirax, Kowalski, Famarol, UNIA, Lisicki, etc. And almost all of the spare parts are commonly applied, like the pulleys, shaft, gears, etc.
  • Z-069 Z-169 Z-041 1.35m 1.65m 1.85m

  • rotary mower parts

  • 5036010250 8245-036-010-250 5-178-010-250

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  • casting

  • rotary mower


Rotary Mower Parts

Polish rotary mowers are widely used in Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and many other European countries, and many giant brands are now manufacturing this kind of machineries, such as Wirax, Kowalski, Famarol, UNIA, Lisicki, etc. And almost all of the spare parts are commonly applied, like the pulleys, shaft, gears, etc.

If you're looking for rotary mower parts, you've come to the right place.We start from making the bevel gears for Poland market since 2012, and then expanded our product range to casted pulleys, hubs, shafts, plates, and almost the full range spare parts applied in Polish rotary mowers.

Browse our selection to discover your many options in these essential parts to keep life on the farm running smoothly.

Our goal is for you to find the rotary mower parts you need, and buy with confidence.

Our products range includes:

5036010660 Small Bevel Gear/Koło stożkowe Kosiarka rotacyjna//Шестерня коническая

5036010670 Big Bevel Gear/ Koło stożkowe duże /Шестерня коническая

5036010250 Small Pulley/ Koło pasowe małe/ Шкив малый

5036020180 Big Pulley/ Koło pasowe duże/ Шкив большой

5036020170 Driver/ Zabierak kpl./ Корпус трещетки

5036010180 Bearing Housing/ Obudowa łożyska / Корпус подшипника

5036010190 Small Bearing Housing/ Obudowa łożyska mała/ Корпус подшипника малый 

5036010270 Hub/ Piasta przystawki/ Корпус шкива малого косилки

5036010280 Back Plate/ Płyta tylna/Кронштейн рамы

5036020600 Spline Shaft/ Wałek główny głowicy/ Вал привода косилки

5036010351 Long Driving Shaft/ Wałek napędzający/

5036010260 Shaft/ Wałek napędzający/ Вал шкива малого

5036010611 Shaft/ Wałek napędzający/ Вал шкива малого

5036010720 Drum Cover/ Osłona bębnowa/ Кожух ротора

5036010740 Drum Hub/ Piasta bębna sfero/ Ступица барабана (конус ротора)

5036010790 Working Hub/ Piasta talerza roboczego sfero/ Ступица тарелки рабочей

5036010770 Hub Plate/ Piasta talerza ślizgowa/ Ступица тарелки

5036010640 Frame/ Rama główna/ Рама главная косилки

5036010370 Working Plate/ Talerz roboczy/ Тарелка косилки рабочая

5036010520 Slide Plate/ Talerz ślizgowy/ Тарелка косилки скользящая

5036010340 Thrust Plate/ Talerz oporowy/ Тарелка опорная под тарелку нижнюю большую косилки

5036010360 Drum Cover/ Talerz oporowy/ Кожух барабана верхний

5036010300/1 Holder/ Trzymak noża kosiarka/ Держатель ножа

5036010450 Knife/ nożyk kosiarka/ Нож косилки




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